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Welcome to Annie Chen's website, a captivating digital realm where the boundaries between imagination and reality are blurred, and the artistry of digital models and space unfolds. Here, we invite you to embark on a journey that transcends traditional architectural boundaries, immersing yourself in a world of boundless creativity and innovative design.

Light on Concrete Wall

About Me

My name is Annie (Yining) Chen, and I am thrilled to share a glimpse into my journey as a multidisciplinary creative professional. With a unique blend of mathematical thinking, artistic expression, and a passion for architecture, I bring a diverse set of skills and perspectives to the table.

I completed my undergraduate studies at Franklin and Marshall College, where I pursued a Bachelor's degree in Math and Art. This interdisciplinary program provided me with a solid foundation in both analytical thinking and creative exploration. Through the study of mathematics, I honed my problem-solving abilities, cultivating a meticulous attention to detail and an appreciation for logical reasoning. Simultaneously, my artistic pursuits allowed me to embrace the power of visual communication, unlocking my imagination and nurturing my sense of aesthetics.

Motivated by my deep curiosity for the built environment and its transformative potential, I decided to further expand my knowledge and skills by pursuing a Master's degree in Architecture from the esteemed Georgia Institute of Technology. This immersive program provided me with a comprehensive understanding of architectural theory, design principles, and advanced computational tools. Throughout my studies, I eagerly delved into the exploration of spatial experiences, sustainable design, and the integration of technology in architecture.

Parallel Lines


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